Birthday Flowers

Is someone having a birthday? Whether it’s a close friend or family member, it’s not always easy to come up with a great birthday gift idea. So why not make things simple, and send them a bouquet of fresh flowers for their birthday?

Birthdays are special and what better way to say you are special to me than a beautiful flower arrangement direct from Mother Nature?

Choose from Grenville Station's great collection of birthday flower arrangements for a friend or loved one. Send a bouquet of birthday flowers from Grenville Station and our skillful floral designers will craft a stunning birthday bouquet.

Send birthday flowers and balloons online today! At Grenville Station we deliver birthday flowers and balloons across Canada and around the world via the Teleflora network of fine florists.

Flowers are a great gift but if you are looking for an alternative to flowers, our Birthday Gift baskets will have them celebrating for weeks. Or if you prefer, we have unique gifts for her and great gift ideas for him!

Birthday Flowers (11)


Basket Full of Wishes

A cheerful basket of flowers for birthdays or anytime you want to send some sunshine. Find great flower arrangements at Grenville Station, your one stop flower shop. Call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467 to send a Basket Full of Wishes, when only the best will do.
Possibly Pink Bouquet Bestseller

Possibly Pink Bouquet

Peach, pink and lavender blooms are a sweet and innocent way to show your affection. Boasting a beautiful variety of flowers, this chic bouquet of feminine colors is full of texture and makes a fabulous gift. At Grenville Station we treat each gift as if it was our own. It's by making you look good that we look good. To order this bouquet call 905-257-1188 or 888-510-7467

Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet

Even if she's already in a great mood, this cheerfully charming bouquet will boost her spirits to the sky. Yellow roses, crème roses and other favorites in a sleek silver cube vase - irresistible!

Sunny Mood Bouquet

You can't help but smile at these bright, beautiful blooms! Like a ray of sunshine, this golden mix of roses and lilies, presented in a Color Splash cube, will put anyone in a marvelous mood.

Polka Dots and Posies

Pop, go the flowers! This energetic pink and white bouquet pairs fresh white daisies with hot pink roses in a light pink glass cube vase. It's a fun, summery choice for your favorite girly girl!
Make a Wish Bouquet Bestseller

Make a Wish Bouquet

Make someone's dreams come true with this extra-special Make a Wish bouquet, Whatever the occasion, it's an eye-catching display that's sure to make someone's day.

Kensington Gardens Bouquet

Royally beautiful! As enchanting as a walk through an English garden, this elegant bouquet charms and delights with its lush variety of red, white and pink blooms - not to mention its fabulous fragrance!
How Sweet It Is Bouquet Bestseller

How Sweet It Is Bouquet

A sweet treat any day of the week! Warm, rich colours of pink and orange are contrasted with fresh green - a welcome combination for any occasion. Send it to sweeten a best friend's birthday, say "hi" to mom, or delight your better half.

Bejeweled Beauty Bouquet

Passionately pink! Hot pink roses and dark red spray roses are arranged in our vivaciously violet cube.

Birthday Flowers (11)
